photoSeefeldt Photographyphoto
servicesphotos that capture the beauty of God's Creation

Seefeldt Photography
13809 Scandia Trail N.
Scandia, MN 55073


services""individual services

Seefeldt Photography offers a diverse range of professional services for both businesses and individuals (see below).

welcome title

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Wedding Photography
Seefeldt Photography is positioned to meet the needs of couples for wedding photographs that capture their special day.

Choose from a wide variety of packages to meet your needs and be prepared to have fun while we capture those memorable moments.

sidebar photoLocation Photography
Are you looking for creative and unique images of your:
• children
• family
• pets
• anniversary
• family reunion

Consider Seefeldt Photography’s Location Services.

Custom Design Services
Want help designing a party invitation that includes one of your photos or a new one that will send a professional image? I can restore old photos, reformat pictures to slides and slides to pictures, scan and enlarge, make new look old and make old look new. Custom design services to implement your idea or help you come up with one.

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Site Design © 2001 Mouse Works Media - Contents ©2001 Seefeldt Photography